Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Here We Go Again...

Talk of dresses, shoes, hair and boys float in the hallways, classrooms, and everywhere you turn. It's that time of the year when girls gossip more than is average, and secrets are kept. Boys go into planning mode, possibly the only time of year they do.
It's Prom Season.
I've come to find girls separate into 4 distinct groups when prom comes around.

1. The Expectors.
These are the girls that will get asked. No matter what. Everyone knows they will get asked. It's expected. Even the girl in question expects it.

2. The Haters.
The girls who don't get asked, and whine about it. All the time. They get mad at everyone who gets asked, and are bitter about it for the rest of the year. And probably the rest of their lives.

3. The Girlfriends.
The girls who have a man. They don't have to stress about boys asking, or about answering in some ridiculous cute way.  They will most likely go to prom. Unless they don't want too. That's fine too.

4. The Rest of Us Ladies.
We are the ones that hope to get asked, but it's fine if we don't. It is accepted that we probably won't, and it's fine. It's not the end of the world. Life goes on. If we do get asked, it's a pleasant surprise to make a wonderful day.

I've also found that prom is slightly over-rated. It's fine.

Oh, can I also add one more thing? This is my 100th post. Yay!


  1. prom is overrated. i went with a boy i hardly knew just to have a date. looking back, i wish i was confident to go alone and just have fun with my friends. :)
