I counted the stars last night.
I took the stars from the sky & created a forest.
Our voices became road maps,
our destination: unknown.
Let's measure our feet in centimeters & see how long it takes to tip-toe across the Golden Gate Bridge.
We'll reach the clouds & swallow them whole,
keeping them inside of us,
to protect our souls from self-destructing.
We'll create a new universe,
our own version of Paris, France.
The stars will be our poems;
the moon an original work of art.
The red thread on your shirt will be used to pave a road,
and the shoes on your feet will be the first to walk it.
Invincibility starts here,
but we'll start in Manhattan,
and work our way across the mountains & skylines.
A flock of birds will come out of your mouth,
& the sky will be painted the color of your eyes;
I think that's what love is.
We'll stand in the center of the universe we constructed with our bard hands, & I'll whisper,
"Hallelujah, hallelujah."
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