Thursday, May 24, 2012

You don't need wings to fly: An ode to you.

This one's about you, and your hands.

The way you smiled at me this morning, you dimmed all the stars and they fell out of the heavens.

God was jealous of you; your perfection shines more than the moon.

My bones are aching, my ribcage is heavy with your words, they're weighing down my heart.

Here, take it-I don't want it anymore.

I want you and I want something real.

Every word you speak is the language of God & God has a soft spot for poets.

Poets & Artists; you're both and he has a soft spot for you.

There's a hole in the sky, but we call it the sun.

You realize more than anyone that it's a window to heaven, & even you can't deny it, love.

That's the way the angels visit.

But this isn't about windows to heaven; it's about you and your feather skin, soft & pale, hair the color of beauty.

Angels can't be as beautiful as you, you shine brighter than the heavens.

You don't need wings to fly.

You only need your words.

Darling, God is jealous of your poems & He's jealous of the way you walk.

Talk to me again, & let me stare at your perfection.

This one's about you, and your hands.

Good hands; Good heart; Good soul.

Destination: Unknown

I counted the stars last night.
I took the stars from the sky & created a forest.
Our voices became road maps,
our destination: unknown.
Let's measure our feet in centimeters & see how long it takes to tip-toe across the Golden Gate Bridge.
We'll reach the clouds & swallow them whole,
keeping them inside of us,
to protect our souls from self-destructing.
We'll create a new universe,
our own version of Paris, France.
The stars will be our poems;
the moon an original work of art.
The red thread on your shirt will be used to pave a road,
and the shoes on your feet will be the first to walk it.
Invincibility starts here,
but we'll start in Manhattan,
and work our way across the mountains & skylines.
A flock of birds will come out of your mouth,
& the sky will be painted the color of your eyes;
I think that's what love is.
We'll stand in the center of the universe we constructed with our bard hands, & I'll whisper,
"Hallelujah, hallelujah."