Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hello. Here's a blog post until I think of a better one.

I know, I know.
It's been a while since I've blogged.
I have nothing good to blog about.
So here is my week in short...

Monday-Work. Work. Work. 
Tuesday-The last day of the First Day of High School. I'm a Senior and I don't know how I feel about that. (Expect another longer post on those crazy mixed up feelings running around in my head.)
Wednesday-School. No 4th period and the day off from work. In which case I read Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. Yes I recommend it. I highly recommend it. (Also, Kaitlyn, there is going to be a movie. Scream and jump for joy. I did. 2012. I will go see it with a box of tissues.)
Thursday-School. Laughter in Floral Design, and designing a flower arrangement with...paper flowers? Yep. Exciting, I know.
Friday-School. An assembly where we defeated Voldemort. Also, Dobby was there. The football game included friends and screaming. If you were wondering, we won.
Saturday-I did nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was fantastic. Sometimes, days like that are needed.
Sunday-Church. And a fireside where a really cute tall boy sat next to me. He smelled nice and had good hair. Not that I noticed or anything. 

*Also, I apologize for the lack of photos on this post. You see, my computer attracted a virus (again) in which case I do not have my extensive library of inspiring photos to browse through at the moment, as I am writing this on a different computer. And I know this post wasn't extra exciting, I'll try harder next time.

And so the second week of school begins.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

So She Writes...

So she sat, floating in a sea of uncertainty, and longing. Hugging her knees to her chest, she was somewhere in between sadness, confusion, and anger. She didn't know what to do at this point, with nothing to look forward too, only things to look back on. Her life was a mess, ripped at the corners. So she writes. She writes about him, she writes about them, she writes things no one will ever read, and things the world will read. She writes to organize her thoughts, she writes to free her soul. She writes because deep inside, she's scared. She writes for want of something solid in her life, something that won't change. Because she hates change far too much. And she hates good-byes.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Of Cell Phones and Trash Cans

The other night I had a dream.

I was in a ballroom, in a prom dress, my best friends surrounding me.We were laughing and talking, having a wonderful time. Then my phone vibrated.That boy, whom I was smitten with for the longest time, had texted me.The text said 3 words.
"I like you."
I looked at it, and threw my phone in the trash.I walked away.
And it felt good. 

It made me realize it is time to move on.
I think I moved on a while ago and didn't notice until now.
Seeing him doesn't give me the cliche butterflies any longer.
His name doesn't cause me to grin ridiculously.
He & I are just friends.
And I finally realized that's all we were meant to be.

For once, I'm alright with that.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Words Can Hurt Darling.

Remember that thing she said to you that might've ruined your day?
Remember the lie that got back to you? And the lies about you?
Remember those words that changed your life?
Or that time she told you what he did? It sent you in a frenzy, and you couldn't concentrate until you knew the details?
Remember when that boy told you you were beautiful to him?
Or that time he said you had gorgeous eyes?
Remember when he told you to never let anyone tell you you were anything but beautiful? Then he hugged you. And the world was at peace.

You know that saying,
"Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"?
I don't believe it.
Words are much too powerful.
You can read a poem, it bring back feelings, or create new ones.
That novel can take you to a completely different world.
An essay can change your way of thinking, it can create new opinions.
Words in a conversation speak for your intelligence.
Never say anything you don't mean, you can never take it back. It will always be there in that person's mind, forever. Words aren't something that will heal over time, like a cut or a scrape, they stick out in a person's mind, they can take over a person's thoughts. They are everything.

Think before you speak, don't regret what you say.
You might hurt somebody, or make their day.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Best Week of My Life.

My name is Rachel, and I'm from Cedar Hills.
Where's that?
Utah. Next to Highland, Alpine, AF, and PG. It's in the middle. Sort of.

Those where the words I said approximately 17 times this week. Probably more. 
I went to EFY.
It was basically the best week of my life. Literally.
Here's a few snippets of my thoughts throughout the week.

"I learned more in this week than I have learned any where else.
I made the best friends I've ever had, and I learned a few things about them along the way."

"Don't judge before you know someone, even if you think you know someone, you really don't. You'll never know what they have been through, or what they are struggling with. Say kind words, you never know how they will affect someone."

"That boy gives great hugs. Good thing he hugged me 4 times."

"He's funny. I like his laugh."

"COW: Crush of the Week. That boy. The one that can't wait to go on his mission, and is so easy to talk to. He's one of my best friends now."

"I saw you at Arby's and now we are like sisters. That's how close we are."

"I want to be your relative more!"

"Dinosaur noises and pizza night go hand in hand."

"Why does everyone live in Vegas?"

"Good thing you live 6 minutes away from me. Now we can hang out. All the time. Also, we can go on a road trip to Vegas!"

These are my best friends.
And I don't know what I would do without them.