Thursday, April 21, 2011

This Is Me...

I am incredibly awkward. 

I say the wrong things at the wrong time, I skip through parking lots, I laugh to myself, and I sing really loudly, really horribly, in the car. Often I find myself sharing stupid stories no one particularly cares about. At all. I find my thoughts wandering off to far off places, when I should be listening to someone. Then when I get asked a question, I haven't the slightest idea what's going on. Sometimes when I say something particularly awkward, I get strange looks, and I just walk away. Which is probably even more awkward.

But it's fine.

Once, I was sitting in my chemistry class, and a lady sitting next to me said something that reminded me of a movie. I just started laughing. She wasn't even talking to me. It was sufficiently awkward.

It's fine.

One day, I will find a boy who is just as awkward, (or who can embrace my awkwardness), and we will fall in love. It's simple really.


  1. we would be great friends. i am the epitome of awkward. wanna hear a story? at work, i generally work alone. so, the other day i was singing really loud. turns out, three potential business clients of my boss were in there and i had no idea until my boss told me. fml.

  2. That's not awkward at all. I do the same things too.. I get lost in my thoughts, even at work. I think we should be happy to be different, different is good :)

  3. let's be best friends.
    we can embrace extreme awkwardness to the fullest.

  4. awkward is my middle name :)

  5. we could be best friends, fairly certain.
    my friend sent me to this very post and said, "i found your real long lost sister."
    just so you know...
